Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Embracing Life's New Adventures

In August, I had written about one of the Waifs' songs.  This month, I'll write about another one.  What can I say?  I'm a big fan of their work.  Written by Joshua Cunningham, this song is  first track from their first album, and it's pretty much about them leaving the nest.  By nest, I mean moving across the country from the Western Australian coast to Melbourne.

In the opening lines, one of the Waifs is imagining Cable Beach in Broome (the town where the Simpson sisters met Cunningham), and is not readily embracing their recent move to Melbourne.  That's a cross-country change that the band made in '96.  This person talking to her (be it Cunningham or one of the sisters) is trying to convince her to live in the presence.  They've moved to a big city, and it's time to seize the moment.  Stepping outside into the open Melbourne atmosphere, the sudden rush of sensations brings the woman back to reality.  While the move is scary and intimidating, the trio are determined to persevere and see this adventure through.

The song is about charting a trajectory towards a goal and seeing it through.  Living for today, and not yesterday.  Honestly, I'm swallowing some pride writing this.  This may be something that many people struggle with.  I'm very unclear about which destination is the best, I've hung back, wondering if I even have the right tools to move forward.  While trying to build some career, I've been exercising my talents (like blogging), trying to find the right path.


That said, I'm trying to move forward while living however in the moment that I'm capable of.  I have  a great admiration for people like the Waifs (and others) who have been able to find mindfulness, and not be as weighed down by anxieties.

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