Taking "the long way" starts out with Russell preferring to drive along the British Columbian shore, taking in the views. It's late at night, and looking up at the stars, we transfer to what Avery's doing that night. He talks about taking a taxi into Vancouver's red light district to perform at a club for little money. The cabbie thinks that he's crazy for doing this, but CR Avery's living in the moment. He continues to live life up later that night, sharing a joint and making love. There's also a line that may or may not be a euphemism (possibly a vivid one that I've never heard anyone say before). Go ahead. Look it up, and tell me what you make of the line.
He does give some good advice before looking up at those same stars as the women of Po' Girl. He talks about how we should use and not waste our talents, and that while the future's coming quick, we should live more in the present.
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